Author: Chris

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-09

    Hello Chris! Although summer is starting to fade into autumn, we’re hoping that the great fun and successes of our clients, suppliers and staff this summer can keep on rolling. If time flies when you’re having fun, we’ve been having A LOT of fun this year. And that’s awesome. Now that the excitement around the business purchase…

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-08

    Last month we mentioned that we had some big news. Here it is: TwinPro bought another company. So what does this mean to you? It confirms that we’re here for the long haul, and are working behind the scenes to grow our team and add new and awesome products and services for you. In the coming months we…

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-07

    こんにちは Chris! 私は2週間の休暇で日本に来ていますが、時間を見つけてこのメールを書き上げて送信しました。 I’m in Japan right now and figured this email needed to have something Japanese. Our first stop on the tour was to check out Mt. Fuji, and the photo at the left was the best photo I could get of it. (Taken from the beach at Miho no Matsubara.) According to the tour…

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-06

    This month we opened “GymPro” – our on-site fitness facility. We’ve got an Echo Bike, a RowErg, free weights, and Olympic barbells and a squat rack with pull up bar. Everything we need to get into great shape! As the construction on GymPro winds down our next project is the staff lunch room (LunchPro??). Improving…

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-05

    Throughout the history of TwinPro finding solutions to challenges has been one of our greatest joys. We love when clients come to us with “outside the box” requests. In 2024 we’ve had a bunch of really unique challenges that stray far outside the realm of putting ink on paper! It’s becoming less and less common…

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-04

    Twenty YearsCan you believe that April 2024 marks my TWENTIETH anniversary at TwinPro? Wow! I can’t hardly believe I’m old enough to have done anything for 20 years but it’s true. And what a fun twenty years it’s been. Special thanks to all of the amazing clients, suppliers and Team TwinPro members who’ve made this a…

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-03

    The results of my out of office email survey are in; adults need a March Break. Last week my kids were off school and they are back at it now, fully gassed up and ready to go. In the weeks leading in to the break it was clear they were running on fumes, and I…

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-02

    It’s February! The shortest month but also the month with the most birthdays for team members – Chris on February 2, Vanessa and Frank on February 15, and Jeff on February 18. In addition to being a busy birthday month it’s also a busy month in the world of National Meetings! This year we produced…

  • The TwinPro Update: 2024-01

    After an amazing holiday break we’re back and excited for 2024. This month around the plant we’re focusing on rearranging things to improve the flow of materials, and also to make room for a new kitchen/lunchroom and gym. Although our core business is printing we also do a lot of inventory storage, management and distribution.…